What is SARA?
SARA is a membership owned Provincial Linking Organization.
Who runs SARA?
The members do. Every member in good standing has an equal vote.
Who can join SARA?
Anyone! Membership in SARA is open to anyone that wishes to support repeater linking, that includes clubs.
Who owns the repeaters?
SARA's aim is to provide a link resource that is available to everyone, and to this end we own most of the link radios & UHF HUB repeaters. SARA owns VHF repeaters in Calgary (VE6OIL) , Red Deer (VE6REP), Limestone Mountain (VE6MTR), and Edmonton (VE6NHB). Local groups own their local VHF drop repeaters.
Why support SARA?
SARA is a province-wide organization, as such it is able to co-ordinate linking right across Alberta.